Sunday, November 14, 2010

Weekly Weight Check In

Hey fellow bloggers
So I weighed myself today and woot woot! Clocked in at 264.9 Oh yeah! 4.5 lbs gone. Sayonara I will NOT miss you! LOL

And I have not really kept with the 6WBMO this week. I have been eating smaller meals several times a day and I do start my morning with a bowl of oatmeal flavored only with a drizzle of raw honey.

Other than that, I have been super busy only 4 weeks left of the semester and I am soo ready for a break. Next semester I've decided to add on another class so I will be even busier! But also that much closer to my goal. ;)
For Thanksgiving, we are all getting together as a family to go to my 91yr old grandmother's house. My mom is preparing the turkey. My little sister is going to learn how to make green bean casserole and I will be doing a fruit salad and houre'derves. My grandmother insists on doing the sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, stuffing, mixed vegetables, and dessert... I think that is WAY too much for her to do but I'll get there early so I can help her out(and take over!) LOL Bless her though, she is such a sweetie!

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